Testosteron Steroids

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Testosteron isocaproate / Test Iso

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99% Testosterone Isocaproate Test ISO Muscle Growth Anabolic Steroid Powder

Schnelles Detail:
Testosteron isocaproate
Alias: Testostero
CAS-Nr: 15262-86-9
Reinheit: 99%
MF: C25H38O3
Aussehen: weiß kristalloider Pulver.
Verwendungszweck: kann als pharmazeutisches Material verwendet werden,. Seine Hauptfunktion ist Stoffwechsel zu fördern. Anabole Effekte umfassen das Wachstum von Muskelmasse und Kraft, erhöhte Knochendichte und Stärke, und Stimulierung der linearen Wachstum und Knochenreifung.



Testosterone Isocaprate is ester will last in the body for a medium length of time. It was first introduced to the market as part of the testosterone blends Sustenon 250 and Omnadren.
It can only be found on its own if someone adds their own isocaproate ester to pure testosterone.
As with all testosterone-based drugs, the isocaproate ester will cause significant weight and strength gains in the user. It will also help increase the body’s red blood cell count, burn fat, increase libido and speed the recovery time from intense workouts.

What is Testosterone Isocaproate used for?

Testosterone Isocaproate is used to improve testosterone deficiencies such as hypogonadism and sexual dysfunction with limited side effects, which can be used to Adrenal cortical hormone drugs, anti-inflammatory, anti allergic, antitoxic .

Testosterone Isocaproate is very rarely found as a single ester based testosterone compound and in most all cases part of testosterone mixtures.

Regardless of the attached ester, all testosterones will produce similar effects. Testosterone Isocaproate will increase protein synthesis, reduce cortisol, increase recovery abilities, aid in increasing strength and mass & also for Hormone replacement therapy.


Beschreibung Weißes kristallines Pulver Weißes kristallines Pulver
Probe(by TLC) 99%~101.0%min 99.35%
E-Isomer nicht mehr als 0.3% 0.18%
Trocknungsverlust 0.5%max 0.22%
Eisen nicht mehr als 0.005% Confroms
Verwandte Substanzen nicht mehr als 0.5% 0.19%

Common Recipe For 50ml Testosterone Isocaproate 100 mg / ml

Testosterone Isocaproate Powder: 5 Gramm
Produces: 50 ml @ 100 mg / ml


1. 5 grams Testosterone Isocaproate

2. 36.25 ml Sesamöl

3. Benzylalkohol 2.5 ml 5% BA

4. Benzylbenzoat 7.5 ml 15% BB

5. Syringes 3cc & 5/10cc

6. 18 oder 20 gauge needles

7. Phiole

8. Sterile Vial

9. Whatman sterile filter

10. Crimper


Procedure of Cooking Steroids Liquids :

1. measure 5 grams of powder
2. place the powder in the vial
3. add BA to the vial
4. add BB to the vial
5. heat the oil in a suitable container in the oven
to a minimum of 212 degrees F to sterilise it
(it will likely be necessary to use slightly more oil
than listed as you will not be able to utilise all of it)
6. add the oil to the vial but save 2 ml of oil in the syringe for later
7. gently shake the vial.
8. reheat the mixture if necessary by placing the vial in a frying pan
and place it on the eye of the stove
9. place an 18 oder 20 gauge needle in the sterile vial and attach the
Whatman sterile filter
10. place another needle in the sterile vial to relieve the pressure
11. draw out the solution with a syringe and run it though the Whatman filter
12. take the other syringe with 2 ml of oil (saved previously) and run it through
the Whatman filter into the solution.


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