Los esteroides de testosterona

» esteroides Raw » Los esteroides de testosterona

  • Presupuesto

Polvo de esteroides base de testosterona 99% Purity Powder USP

Detalle rápido:

Nombre del producto La testosterona base
Otro nombre testoviron; Oreton; Testex; Testoderm; Testred; Hombre; Testolent
número de registro CAS 58-22-0
EINECS 200-370-5
Fórmula molecular C19H28O2
Peso molecular 288.42
Uso se puede utilizar como material farmacéutico
Ensayo 98%
Apariencia Polvo cristalino blanco


Nombre del producto Testostero-n Base
Descripción Blanco o casi blanco Polvo cristalino polvo blanco
Identificación A.B. Positivo
Ensayo 97.0~ 103.0% 99.20%
Rotacion especifica +101°~+105° +102.6°
Pérdida por secado 1.0%máx 0.28%
Punto de fusion 153~157°C 153.0~155.0°C
Las impurezas orgánicas volátiles cumple con el requisito. En cumplimiento
Sustancias relacionadas cumple con el requisito. En cumplimiento
Solventes residuales cumple con el requisito. En cumplimiento
Tamaño de partícula 100% ≤ 20 micras En cumplimiento


TestosteroneBase is an injectable steroid that contains Testosteronebase with no ester attatched to it. TestosteroneBase is the most common anabolic hormone that there is and is also considered the most basic. Due to this, bodybuilders often consider it the base steroid to most all cycles.

TestosteroneBase is both anabolic and androgenic in nature. Users of this steroid will notice a dramatic gain in muscle size and strength, as well as an overall sense of well being and increases libido and sex drive.


Testosterone Base promotes health and well-being, enhances libido, increases energy and promotes fat loss. It can also boost immunity. Its aids in gaining and preserving lean muscle mass. Previene contra la pérdida ósea y enfermedades del corazón..



Testosterone Enanthate has a release time of between 8-10 dias. It is typically injected once every one to three weeks, though some users opt for a twice a week frequency as well.

This version of testosterone will cause the usual side effects associated with Testosterone, including: hair loss, acné, gynecomastia and eventual cessation of the body’s natural testosterone production.

Many of these side effects can be associated (if not totally attributed) with the conversion of Testosterone into Dihydrotestosterone and estrogen.
The usual dosage of testosterone enanthate is 250 mg to 750 mg por semana. This amount will provide you with a very rapid gain of both strength and body weight. Your muscles will become very pronounced but again, those side effects can hinder the effects.

You may decide a better option is to add an oral drug such as Anadrol or Dianabol. The combinations work very well. Ancillary drugs such as Nolva or Clomid are used after the cycle period to help the muscle mass be retained.



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