Steroidi del testosterone

» Steroide crudo » Steroidi del testosterone

  • Specifiche

Testosterone undecanoate Anabolic steroid powder high purity for male sexual

Basic info:

Nome: Testosterone undecanoato
Altro nome:TESTOSTERONE UNDECANOATO;TESTOSTERONE UNDECANOILATO;17-beta-idrossi-5-alfa-androstan-3-onundecanoato;testosterone,undecanoato(estere);andriol;4-ANDROSTEN-17BETA-OL-3-ONE 17-UNDECANOATO;4-ANDROSTEN-17-BETA-OL-3-ONE UNDECANOATO;17-[(1-oxoundecil)ossi]-androst-4-en-3-one
Aspetto esteriore: Polvere cristallina bianca
ASTUCCIO : 5949-44-0
EINECS : 227-712-6
MF: C30H48O3
MW: 456.70
saggio: 98%Liquido steroide oleoso giallastro Masteron 100mg/ml Dettagli

What is Testosterone undecanoate:

Testosterone undecanoato o testosterone undecilato è un estere di testosterone.androgeno intramuscolare a lunga durata d'azione, il ruolo di mantenere circa 70 giorni.

Oral absorption of rapid, peak plasma concentration by 4-5 ore, but most of the intestinal wall and liver was first pass metabolism, bioavailability is low; intramuscular injection can avoid the first to eliminate.

Clinical application for men to reduce sexual function, aplastic anemia. Primary or secondary testicular dysfunction; in the elderly androgen deficiency syndrome; due to spermatogenesis dysfunction caused by infertility and aplastic anemia.

What is it application:

Materie prime farmaceutiche, Ormone steroideo, Anabolin. Testosterone Decanoate belongs to Male hormones.

To maintain and promote male physiological characteristics and organ development.As with all forms of ,Testosterone Decanoate will cause weight and strength gain, Grasso perso, a libido increase, an increase in IGF-1 levels, Red Blood Cell count, and of course increased recovery from training Commonly used in intramuscular injection solution, the oil absorption is slow, function is strong and durable, can maintain time for just a few days.

Testosterone propionate can promote the development of male organs and secondary sex characteristic, promote protein synthesis and bone formation, estrogen, inhibit the growth of endometrium and ovary and pituitary function.

Used for testosterone, cryptorchidism, ipogonadismo maschile, gynecological diseases, such as menorrhagia, uterine fibroids, senile osteoporosis and aplastic anemia.

Testosterone undecanoate or testosterone undecylate is an ester of testosterone which is used for the treatment of male hypogonadism, and is currently under research for use as a male contraceptive, testosterone undecanoate is sold and distributed under the brand names Andriol, understor, nebido, pantestone, restandol.

Andriol is a version of the anabolic steroid testosterone undecanoatedeveloped by the pharmaceutical company organon, testosterone is said to enter the body as a fat through the lymphatic system, experience from user indicates that in dose of less than 240mg per day, effects are negligible, except at every onset of use, while even in higher dose , effects are still minimal , testosterone undecanoate is therefor thought that most of the steroid is somehow not making it into the blood stream.

The note of Testosterone undecanoate:

1. Prima di usare questo medicinale, informi il medico di qualsiasi malattia, in particolare cancro alla prostata o cancro al seno (maschio), fegato, cuore, nefropatia, allergie, e cancro alla prostata ingrossato. Alto – dose, lungo – uso a termine degli ormoni maschili, cancro al fegato;

2. Questo medicinale non può essere usato durante la gravidanza. Se sei incinta o pensi di esserlo, avvisa immediatamente il tuo medico. Allattare al seno allo stesso tempo, dovrebbe evitare di usare questo farmaco;

3. Le donne dovrebbero monitorare i segni maschili come l'approfondimento del suono, barba, acne, mestruazioni irregolari, o ingrandimento del clitoride. Se si verifica uno di questi casi, consultare tempestivamente il medico;

4. I bambini dovrebbero essere molto cauti, perché il farmaco può avere effetti negativi sullo sviluppo del bambino. Gli uomini più anziani usano questo farmaco, c'è un ingrossamento della prostata o il rischio di cancro alla prostata.

How to storage:

it is recommended to store ai the room temperature below 30 degrees C.
Keep the drug away from direct sunlight, heat and moistrue.
Do not let the drug at the sight and reach of children


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3 + 3 = ?

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    INSERISCI:No.5002, S Nanwan Road, Zhuhai, Guangdong, Cina

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