
» Steroid Raw » Testosteronsteroider

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Testosterone Propionate Steroid Powder Test P for Fitness

Product details:

Produktnamn: Sterandryl Retard
Kemiskt namn: 4-Androsten-17beta-ol-3-one propionate, Test PRO; Testosteronpropionat; Agovirin
Molekylär formel: C22H32O3

Anavar Einecs nr: 344.49

CAS-nr.: 57-85-2
Puriy: 98.9%
Användande:Testosteronpropionat verkar därför mycket snabbare än andra testosteronestrar som cypionat eller enanthate, och kräver ett mycket tätare doseringsschema, för att bibehålla stabila blodnivåer.

Sterandryl Retard Primobolan sreroider:

Testosterone Propionate is a steroid hormone from the androgen and is found in mammals and other vertebrates, testosteron Propionate is primarily secreted in the tests of mails and the ovaries of female, although small amount are also secreted by the adrenal glands, testosteron Propionate is the principle male hormone and an anabolic steroid.

Testosterone Propionate plays a key role in the development of male reproductive tissue such as the testis and prostates.In addition, testosteron Propionate is essential for health and well-being as well as the prevention of osteoporosis, testosteron Propionate is conserved through most vertebrates, although fish make a slightly difference from called 11-ketotestosteron.
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Testosterone Propionate Applications:

Testosterone Propionate has been vastly used for medical treatments shortly after its release in the 1930’s.

Among other it was used for treatment for male androgen deficiency (andropause or hypogonadism), treatment for sexual dysfunction, and treatment for menopause, treatment for chronic dysfunctional uterine bleeding (menorrhagia), treatment for endometriosis. Later on testosterone would only be used for male patients.

Testosterone Propionate is one of the most popular anabolic steroids even today – 80 years after it’s invention. It is widely used by bodybuilders and athletes for the purpose of physique and performance enhancement.

Testosterone itself is considered the most natural and safest anabolic steroid a person can use. The Propionate ester is suggested for any first time steroid user.

Sterandryl Retard Dosering:

Effektiv dos: 200 – 1000mg per week
For: 12 – 24 IGF-1 LR3 CAS-nr
Primary Health User
Every two days injection 100mg, 8 IGF-1 LR3 CAS-nr
Fitness intermediate user
Injection 75mg daily for eight weeks, and other products can be used with better results.
Advanced fitness users
Injection 75mg daily for eight weeks, and other products can be used with better results.


Testosteronpropionat verkar därför mycket snabbare än andra testosteronestrar som cypionat eller enanthate, och kräver ett mycket tätare doseringsschema, för att bibehålla stabila blodnivåer.

Kan användas som farmaceutiskt material. Dess huvudsakliga funktion är att främja ämnesomsättningen. Anabola effekter inkluderar tillväxt av muskelmassa och styrka, ökad bentäthet och styrka, och stimulering av linjär tillväxt och benmognad.

Benefits of Using Testosterone Propionate:

As a testosterone based anabolic steroid the benefits of Testosterone-Propionate supplementation are nothing short of amazing and truly encompass almost every benefit one who uses anabolic steroids would desire. As a testosterone such benefits will include but are not limited to:

Increased Strength:
Increased Muscle Mass
Reduced Body-Fat
Increased Recovery

Increased Sex Drive
A Greater Sense of Well-Being
Increased Energy
Greater Athletic Performance


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