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Guide étape par étape Reconstituer Melanotan-2 Peptide


Comment Reconstituer Melanotan-2 Peptide (Pas-à-pas p / Images!)

Melanotan-2 est un peptide qui est acheté sous forme de poudre. Afin d'injecter ce composé, il doit être reconstitué grâce à l'utilisation de l'eau soit stérile ou de l'eau bactériostatique. sont les deux ingrédients re constitutionnel acceptables, however the use of sterile water will see the Melanotan-2 degrade at a faster rate than bacteriostatic water.

Assuming your vial of Melanotan-2 is vacuum sealed (as many are), when you reconstitutie the Melanotan-2, withdraw your sterile water/bacteriostatic water then firmly hold the plunger of the syringe as you insert it through the stopper of the Melanotan-2 vial. Don’t let it suck the water from your pin. Turn the vial at a slight angle and slowly drip water down the side of the vial being sure not to shoot water directly at the powder. Your Melanotan-2 should melt, if it fizzes up you’ve possibly just damaged the hormone. Do not shake the Melanotan-2, instead lightly swirl it and store it in a fridge and use for upto 30-60 journées


  • 1 x 10mg Melanotan-2 Vial
  • Sterile Water or Bacteriostatic Water
  • 1 x 1ml 29g 1/2Needle (Insulin Needle)
  • Alcohol Swabs

Working out dosages for Melanotan-2 is simple.

Different Dosing Amounts

With 2ml of bacteriostatic water in the 10mg vial, here are what your doses will be;

  • +) 250mcg/.25mg = 5ius
  • +) 500mcg/.5mg = 10ius
  • +) 750mcg/.75mg = 15ius
  • +) 1mg = 20ius

Marcher 1:
Take the cap off the Melanotan-2, so that it is ready to be swabbed by an alcohol pad.

Marcher 2:
Prepare Insulin Needle (1 x 1ml 29g 1/2Needle).

Marcher 3:
Use an alcohol swab to wipe the top of the Melanotan-2 vial.


Marcher 4:
Prepare Sterile Water/bacteriostatic.

Marcher 5:
Withdraw water from the bateriostatic water vial.

Marcher 6:
Inject bateriostatic water into the Melanotan-2 vial, slowly and ensure the water does not come in direct contact with the powder, instead inject so that the water falls onto the side of the vial and hits the glass before it comes into contact with the powderMelanotan-2 alongside all peptides are very sensitive compounds.

Be very careful that there is no vacuum from the difference in pressure with the atmosphere and the pressure within the vial. To combat this, inject the amount (ml) into the vial before withdrawing that same amount (ml).

Marcher 7:
Now either store the Melanotan-2 in the fridge ready for consumption or inject subcutaneously (a step-by-step guide will follow).

Now you can start to Reconstitute Melanotan-2 Peptide, C'est facile.

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