Steroidi del testosterone

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Testostereone decanoato / Prova D

Steroidi del testosterone , , , , , , , , , ,

Welcome inquiry Testostereone Decanoate and best price for you!

  • Specifiche

99% Testosterone Decanoate Anabolic CAS: 5721-91-5

Informazioni basilari:

Nome del prodotto Testostereone decanoato
Altro nome Test deca, Test Decanoate
Numero di registro CAS 5721-91-5
EINECS 227-226-4
Formula molecolare C29H46O3
Peso molecolare 442.68
saggio 99%
Pacchetto 1kg/Aluminium Foil Bag or as Required
utilizzo Muscle Bodybuilding


Test Deca Description

  • Testosterone decanoate is a steroid hormone from the androgen and is found in mammals and other vertebrates, testosterone decanoate is primarily secreted in the tests of mails and the ovaries of female, although small amount are also secreted by the adrenal glands, testosterone decanoate is the principle male sex hormone and an anabolic steroid.
  • Testosterone decanoate plays a key role in the development of male reproductive tissue such as the testis and prostates. Inoltre, testosterone decanoate is essential for health and well-being as well as the prevention of osteoporosis, testosterone decanoate is conserved through most vertebrates, although fish make a slightly difference.

Test Deca Application

  • Testosterone decanoate is commonly used in intramuscular injection solution, the oil absorption is slow, function is strong and durable, can maintain time for just a few days.
  • Testosterone propionate can promote the development of male organs and secondary sex characteristic, promote protein synthesis and bone formation, estrogen, inhibit the growth of endometrium and ovary and pituitary function. Used for testosterone, cryptorchidism, ipogonadismo maschile, gynecological diseases, such as menorrhagia, uterine fibroids, senile osteoporosis and aplastic anemia.

Test Deca Usage:

  • propionato di testosterone ,Materie prime farmaceutiche, Ormone steroideo, Anabolin. It belongs to Male hormones. To maintain and promote male physiological characteristics and organ development.
  • Testosterone propionate As with all forms of testosterone,Testosterone Decanoate will cause weight and strength gain, Grasso perso, a libido increase, an increase in IGF-1 levels, Red Blood Cell count, and of course increased recovery from training.


Test Deca COA

nome del prodotto Testosterone decanoato
Specifiche del prodotto 97.0~103,0% Bagno di produzione 20151205
ASTUCCIO 5721-91-5 Data di produzione 2015-12-05
Specifiche BP Standard Data di scadenza 2017-12-05
Quantità 100KG Data analisi 2015-12-06
Risultato per l'analisi
Elementi di analisi Specifiche Risultati
Descrizione Polvere cristallina bianca polvere bianca
Identificazione numerosi pazienti hanno mostrato disturbi gastrointestinali come gonfiore,UV, TLC Positivo
saggio 97.0~103,0% 99.5%
Rotazione specifica +69°~+74° +73.3°
Leggermente solubile in etanolo 0.5%max 0.3%
Sostanze correlate 1.0% max <1.0%
Free Decanoic acid 0.20%max <0.20%

Test Deca Cook Recipes:

1,50 Ml for 200mg/ml 10 grams Primobolan E Powder (7.5ml)
1Olio di steroidi Masteron (2%)
7.5Olio di steroidi Masteron (15%)
17ml Olio di Vinaccioli
17ml Etil oleato
2,40ml for 100mg/ml 4 grams Methenolone Enanthate
29 ml Olio di Vinaccioli
2ml Benzyl Alcohol = 5%
6ml benzyl benzoate = 15%
3,25ml for 200mg/ml 5 grams Methenolone Enanthate (3.75ml)
16.25 ml Olio di Vinaccioli
1.25ml benzyl alcohol = 5%
3.75ml benzyl benzoate = 15%
4,300ml for 75mg/ml 22.5 grams Methenolone Enanthate(16.875ml)
223.125 ml Olio di Vinaccioli
15ml Benzyl Alcohol = 5%
45ml benzyl benzoate = 15%
5,250ml for 100mg/ml 50 grams Methenolone Enanthate (37.5ml)
157.5 ml Olio di Vinaccioli
5ml benzyl alcohol = 2%
50ml benzyl benzoate = 20%


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    INSERISCI:No.5002, S Nanwan Road, Zhuhai, Guangdong, Cina

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